Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Aiden's POV

(Before you read: this is one of my parts to the whole short story. I worked alongside Cat, T, Kim, and Standford. :D)
The funeral day was sad. People were crying. Rainy weather. Despite all of this, we were surrounded by a beautiful scenery. Green hills paved their way for miles. Trees took their stance in different locations. Uncle would have like to be buried in a place like this. Surrounding me were people all wearing black. Men in suits. Women in dresses. No children though. They always mess with the corpse. Those tiny little brats! Don't they know how to show respect?
Beside the casket stood Ashton. He cried a lot. I mean a lot. He was the closest to him so I can see why. But man! Why did he have to be so clumsy? He slipped on a rock, almost knocking over uncle’s casket. It’s a good thing Jungsoon was right behind him to catch him before he fell.
Is it wrong to be distracted at a funeral oration? Oh well. I could not help it. I am weak when it comes to Rei. He was comforting Ashton through his tears. He is a good friend. Are they more than friends? No. I doubt it. He would be more affectionate in a situation like this. Unless…. No! I can’t think that way? Ah! This man. Something about him makes me crazy. But what is it? My heart aches to find out.
That settles it. After the funeral oration, I have to get to know him.
(Two hours pass by.)
Ahhhiiisssshh!!! That wait was unbearable! I miss you uncle, but that man kept talking. My feet were tired on the first hour. Still I had to keep my composure. I am one of his relatives after all.
Now its time for the confrontation. Ah! Why am I so nervous? This does not happen. Not to me, yet here I am as nervous as a man could ever be. I am not shaking though, so that’s good. Wow. Who knew walking towards him would be so hard. The air is thicker. Yet, I feel lucky to finally be this close to him.
I offered my hand he shook it. Ashton had a ‘what the f***’ expression on his face. I guess I should stop welcoming new people to the house. Hey wait a minute. He shouldn’t have come in and taken my closet in the first place! I asked if I could have some time alone with Rei. Ashton didn’t mind. He was also pulled away by Preston and Jungsoon.
What did I get myself into. Here we are on a bench. The walk here was silent and awkward. Now that I’m here I don’t know what’s next. Do I put my arm around him. Naw. I would be creeped out if someone did that to me.
Here goes nothing.
“Rei. I am going to be straightforward with this. Do you like me?”
“Yes, you seem like you’re a good friend to Jungsoon, despite your personality.”
So I am just a friend in his eyes.
But what!
“I don’t think that’s the real reason why you bought me here.”
“You’re right.” I responded. “The truth is that when I am around you, my head goes crazy. I feel suffocated by my emotions. I don’t know how to fight it. I am falling for you and I want to know if you feel the same way about me.”
“Aiden, you are an attractive guy, but I cannot feel the same way about you. I don’t know you that well yet.”
“Yet?… Does that mean you’re willing to give me a chance?”
I turned to look at him. He was blushing. He’s so adorable when he blushes. I couldn’t resist it, I had to hug him. I got closer to him and reached out to hug him from behind, but he turned around.
Oh s***! I’m this close to him!
His face is even cuter close up. He looks so nervous. The hug is not helping him. What do I do? Hmmm. What would the Titanic guy do?
I leaned in to kiss him.
He froze, but didn’t struggle against my actions. Did he want me to kiss him? Only one way to find out.
His lips were soft.
His breath was warm.
He was perfect.