Wednesday, October 6, 2010

20 Feet Tall

     I live as a giant. I do not sleep in a room with the rest of my siblings. I am forced to sleep on a special custom made mattress in the living room. Why must I be so tall? It's hard to avoid stepping on people because they are so tiny. I have a hard time finding food to fill me up. In fact, everything in the cafeteria is not enough for my stomach. I know I am costing my parents alot of money, but after the record as the tallest person in the world, I have made their life slightly easier. Now I have my own custom food, clothes, and school supplies creators. I do not like being tall! It's difficult to use the restroom at school, so I have to use it in a special secluded area in Inglewood High School. I do not feel normal. I have friends, but only the short ones sympathize with me. I see a dog my size. I am not alone! It is so cute and furry. It shall be mine! I then feel slobber run into my inerts. I see myself shrinking. What's wrong with me! I hear a faint knock in the distance. Who is it? It keeps knocking, but this time its louder. I then hear the words "Wake Up!" In my mind this does not seem right. Was I not tall? Where am I? I open my eyelids and wake up to my normal morning routine. I look around and everything is not small, it is just right. For the first time in my life I am glad that I am short.

This inflatable bear is 20 ft. tall.


  1. Your not tall and you eat a lot now, if you were taller i'd have no food, you would eat it all. I really like how you don't use if you were tall. yet if you were that tall you would be dead. T_T

  2. Thanks for the comment Ham; I apprieciate it!

    Wow! Nice surprise at the end!
    I sympathize with you! XD
    ' have made their life slightly easier. '
    How have you made their lives easier?
