Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Baby Dragon

     In current times, dragons have yet to make an appearance. The reason for this was because they do not like the human species after the incident with the baby dragon. Who was this baby dragon? and what made it so special? The majority of the human species does not even know of this information. It is kept confidential amongst historians. The head of the secret historian union is none other than C.H. Collins.
     How do I know all of this? Well, that's quite simple, I am acquainted with this C.H. Collins. In fact, it took me three years for C.H. to convince the union in order to tell me about the dragons. Why would they tell me all of this? It is all due to a discovery I had in my backyard. I was your typical middle class working type. I held success in the architecture department and I was proud of it. I did not go all those years in college for nothing. I must admit, the discovery  forever changed my life.
    I was on my way to work one morning, when I see this rock moving in my backyard. The first thing that crossed my mind was mutant rock. I kept seeing it shake, so I went inside my car to protect me. It would not stop. Just then, I hear a cracking noise. In my mind it is but an earthquake. I look around and nothing shakes except for that one rock. I pay close attention to the rock and notice that it is not a rock, there is something coming out of it! I crouched in the driver's seat due to fear. The noise stops. I emerge from my seat to see what had happened. In viewing distance I see a red baby dragon. I look at it and immediately think of Super Junior's maknae Kyuhyun. (Maknae is a Korean term meaning the youngest boy in a group).
     I decide to adopt the baby dragon under the name Kyuhyun. It was a truly enjoyable experience. The dragon itself was not mischievous, in fact it was more obedient than my pet dog. I called my friend C.H. Collins, because I was not sure if dinosaurs were capable of still existing. Through out the phone call, she was puzzled by why I would ask such questions. I had to blurt it out. Those words "I have one" are words that I have regretted since. We ended the phone call with an agreement that she would come over my house the next day.
     I was on the couch, anxiously waiting for her feedback, since she is a historian. Once she came we sat down to talk about dragons. What she told me where only the myths that I've heard of many years ago. I then demanded her to tell me about the history of dinosaurs. She said she couldn't. I wanted an answer, so I asked a simple "Why?" That was when she told me about the historian union. She told me that the information is kept confidential, so she could not tell me. After that, I asked her if I can have some sort of consent in order to know this information. She said yes, and that it would take one year. She was left with the duty of convincing the union council members.
    As it turns our, she lied to me. It takes three years on average to get permission from the council. I patiently waited, and as time passed Kyuhyun grew. In fact, Kyuhyun grew up to 6"2 feet in those three years. She came back with a summary of the dragon history database. She handed me the document and left. As I read it, I found that humans and dragons once used to live amongst another. Everything was okay until rumors were created to make dragons seem evil. It was all a myth, none of it true, but the foolish humans believed it and began to hunt all dragons down. According to the document, there was only one dragon family that survived and that was Kyuhyun's great grandfather. Every now and then, dragons are discovered just as I have discovered mine, though not all owners are nice. In fact, all of them sold their dragons to scientists for experimental research. All experiments failed, thus killing the poor dragons.
    I made a vow that day and that vow was to keep Kyuhyun. I did not care for money, I already made some at work. All that mattered to me was his safety. This vow was a true challenge for me.
     It turns out that once I told C.H. about the dragon, every scientist and media person either wanted to dissect him of have an interview with me. I could not take it anymore. The fire in me did not care where I lived, I even tried to run over reporter. They are quick individuals, I guess they are used to it. I decided to move into the woods, and I have been happy ever since. No reporters, no scientist, no historians, just my family and my pets. Even Kyuhyun enjoys his new home now. I still work in the city, the only difference now is that I need to wake up early to drive there. I would fly on Kyuhyun, but I do not want him to risk his safety.



  1. =O that was A LOT! But, with the help of suju I mananged to read all of it :)
    ' I was your typical middle class working type.' lol
    'I kept seeing it shake, so I went inside my car to protect me.' you go to your car for resurance? XD
    'Super Junior's maknae Kyuhyun' LMAO! a korean dragon? Obsessed with suju! >:3
    'Through out the...' "throughout" just combine it ham.
    ' As it turns our, she lied to me' rofl! She lied XD
    '6"2' you manage to give him the exact height of that outcast people STILL call a suju member -.- lol kidding
    'to dissect him of have an interview' --- "or"
    ' I even tried to run over reporter. They are quick individuals, I guess they are used to it. ' LMFAO!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDD
    ' I decided to move into the woods' FINALLY! you can use the bushes now -.-
    'just my family ' your family decided to live in the woods with you? iF I did that they would stronly
    '. I would fly on Kyuhyun, but I do not want him to risk his safety.' ---where do you plan on parking him?
    Overall, the story was clear and coherent! It was funny too! XD

  2. WOW....the longest comment ever....=O
