If I were to make a sandwich I would make it to appeal all the regions of my palette. I would use a baguette as the base bread for the sandwich. In the actual sandwich, there would be diced tomatoes, shredded lettuce, and olives. The meats would be an Italian ham, pepperoni, and prosciutto (a salty, thin Italian ham). For flavor, I would not use mayonnaise and mustard because I want the ingredient to feel light. The purpose of this sandwich is to feel light, not heavy, so mustard and mayo are out. Instead of these ingredients, I would use a red wine vinaigrette. It's tangy, yet appealing to the palette. Now a sandwich can not be a sandwich with out cheese. If I had the choice on what cheese to put in there it would be a mixture of cheddar and mozzarella. There would be three slices - two mozzarella and one cheddar. I want to start the sandwich with the creamy lightness of the mozzarella, then I want to work into the the sharp cheddar to wake up my palette. The finale would be a symphony of serenity, as I work my way into the end, where the mozzarella awaits. I love this sandwich, even if I have not had it. The different flavors are truly pleasing, that is unless a person is finicky with the ingredients I put in the sandwich. If there are picky people, I would just not feed my sandwich, I will not waste such a masterpiece on a such an inconsiderate individual.
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