Thursday, September 9, 2010

Daily Journal 1 - $100 dollars

If I found $100 dollars and had to donate it to a cause it would go to the Humane Society of the United States, or some local animal shelter. The reason for this is because I love animals. My two puppies shed me the light, when it comes to other living creatures. Sure we are human, but animals are not beneath us they have a soul, a heart, and with that comes emotions. They know when they get hurt and feel pain, and some of them are still loyal to their pathetic owners, who only see them as a "pet" while others see them as a companion.These people help lost of mistreated animals, and there are no such things as bad pets, only bad owners. If the owner did nothing to tend for it then the animal had no choice but to attack the human, it was not taught any better. Honestly some humans have some major issues if they have nothing else to do with their life but torturing these animals.

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