It was 6:30 a.m. My dad knocked the door to wake my sister and me up. I decided to sleep an extra few minutes because I was tired for my classes. Fifteen minutes passed until I woke up to a roar outside. I stood upright from my sleep and ran towards the window to see what made that noise. I looked out and saw a big eye blinking at me. I was in shock until I heard Super Junior's "Sorry, Sorry" play in the background. I got my glasses from my backpack and noticed that there were people dancing outside. At first I was excited to see them that close. Then, I got a clear view and found out it was just a hologram. M y hopes were shot down but I decided to go downstairs to see if I can at least have the hologram. I ran outside in my pyjamas, keys, and socks. It was cold! I still wanted the hologram so I ran towards the dinosaur. Outside, I noticed it wasn't a real dinosaur, but a robotic one. In the distance, I saw a weird looking scientist in the background controlling the robot. I asked him if I could have the hologram and he said only if I gave him three dollars. I yelled at my bedroom window and asked my sister to throw three dollars outside. She heard me, but she couldn't find the money. "It's in the Hello Kitty Organizer!" I yelled the second time. She responded with a simple "Okay..."
Once I had the money, I paid this scientist the money. As he was giving me the hologram, I asked him what was he doing there in there first place. He responded, "It was your wish." I looked around because I was beginning to feel uneasy. When I looked back he was gone. "Weird..." I thought "but now I have a Suju hologram ^o^".
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