Saturday, September 11, 2010

Family Meal

     If I were to cook a meal for my family it would be a simple meal that can easily stuff them. This is only because I do not want to spend hours laboring in the kitchen and I have little cooking experience so this would be a laborious task for me anyway. For the appetizer course I would make bacon wrapped scallops because I never tried them. To make this appetizer I need 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1/4 of a teaspoon of hot peppers, 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of freshly chopped ginger (this could be grated but chopping it make it easier), 1 teaspoon of chopped lemon grass, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 12 large sea scallops, 12 thin slices of bacon, and 24 wooden toothpicks soaked in water. From there its simple I just combine all of the spices in a bowl and toss the scallops in there to soak up all those good flavors. The recipe (yes i need recipes) then calls for an hour to wait for those round things to marinate and then they are patted so they will not slip through the bacon process. In the bacon process the scallops are simply wrapped at their side and are held by two toothpicks at opposite ends so the bacon will not fall off. (p.s. the toothpicks are soaked only because heat causes a fire when mixed with dry wood).
     For the entree, I would make a baked eggplant with cheese (Italian-style) because my sister is a vegetarian. Plus I do not want to deal with the hassle of cooking meat, veggies are simpler to cook. This entree requires 7 evenly sliced eggplants, 1 large beaten egg, 1 cup bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons olive oil, salt, pepper, 1 tablespoon dried parsley, 12 sliced mushrooms, 1 (14-ounce) can chunky tomato sauce, 6 thin slices tomato, 8 (1-ounce) slices mozzarella.The first step is to dip eggplant slices in egg and then in the bread crumbs. Next, I would heat olive oil in skillet, which would later brown eggplant lightly on both sides. Then I would have to arrange the eggplant in a buttered 12x7 inch baking dish. After that, I add the salt and pepper and sprinkle with parsley and sliced mushrooms. Finally, I would pour tomato sauce over casserole, which is then topped off with tomato slices and then cheese slices.
Once the eggplant parmesian is prepared, I will have to bake it until the cheese is melted.

     For dessert, I would remake the cake my brother and sister made in the past. Its a banana cake mized that follows the instructions on the box. The cake is then baked until it is cooked. Afterwards, you add sweetened condensed milk to the cake and let it soak for an hour or more. Then, you frost it with cool whip, so the frosting does not over power the balance on flavors. After that you decorate the sides with almonds and the top with baked coconut. It truly is a good cake, simple and light. That way you do not feel as though you are going to burst after the meal.

     Beverage-wise, people can drink water of milk with the dessert. For the appetizer, I think water is suffice. For the entree it is up to one's taste buds, but it can vary from soda, lemonade, punch and water. It really is up to them, I would just set the table and let them choose what they want to drink.

1 comment:

  1. JennY! Woooo! This looks good!!!!! I like the cake and scaloops best!
    Okay, critiqing(sp?) now. Carefull about some of the pronouns you use, other than that yeah.. :)
