Thursday, September 23, 2010

Youngest Person I know

The youngest person I know is my brother, Wilbert. He is thirteen years old, and currently in his 8th grade year in middle school. He is cuddly, temperamental, tall, and generous. Not to mention the fact that he thinks more maturely than me. My friends compare him to Taemin of SHINee, only because of the haircut he has now. I bet in a few years he is going to be the tallest one in our family. Like my mother and sister, he is smart common sense wise. School wise he is average for now. Alot of his gestures are random, but he is still a perfectionist. He cleans his room more than my sister and I do. He is also well-organized, and friendly to our family's acquaintances. He does annoy me, but that only occurs after my El Camino classes, when I am tired, hungry, and sleepy. Other than that, I have received great feedback on him. One was by my friend T-San, where she stated that he would make a great husband someday. I agree, but as of now I am glad he is enjoying his freedom and not thinking about relationships.

Wilbert at a check up.

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