Thursday, September 23, 2010

Would a monkey be a good pet?

The real question is: "Why wouldn't a monkey make a good pet?" A monkey would not harm unless properly educated by their owners. Such is the case, as stated in some animal movie, "There are not bad dogs, only bad owners." That being said, it is easy to say that a monkey would not be violent, if and only if, the owner treats it with love, care, and remembers to feed it often. Monkeys and chimps are different creatures that have tails, and belong to the same family of species. They are not the same! Chimps are weird, monkeys are the cute ones. The one who exceeds in "aigoo" (cute in Korean; known as "kawaii" in Japan) would have to be the spider monkey. It is tiny, and can fend for itself. All an owner must do is feed it, love it, bathe it and BAM! it would remain yours. An owner must take into consideration that a monkey would get lonely, so I would get a monkey companion for it. Eventually, I'll experiment if a monkey is able to get along with other creatures, then I'll practically have a mini zoo in my backyard. I do not mind this because a monkey can feed itself once it gets older, respect their owner, and can play as well. It is practically a dog who can climb trees!
Spider Monkey

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