Sunday, September 19, 2010

"The Bat Who Couldn't Fly"

There once was a bat who could not fly. His name was Shin Dong. He lived amongst 13 other bats who each flew before he did. He was going to wed a fellow bat named Nari in just a few months, but wanted to impress her with flight. Nari knew he could not fly but she loved him anyways. The other bats tried to help him out, but their advice was the simple "Flap your wings". Shin Dong thought it was his weight that kept him from flying, and it was. You see at birth, Shin Dong's parents cut the tips of his wings so he could follow their family tradition. The tradition was to gain strength in flight, even though a bat's weight would be the factor of difficulty with flight. Turns out, the tips of the bat's wings were the one's that gave a bat balance in flight, so his parent's did not make things easy for him.
Every night, Shin Dong tried to fly but his weight made him fall. He always fell into the same tree. Poor Shin Dong, how many times will he get injured until he learns how to fly?
Believe it or not, there was a secret that his family kept from him. Most bats flew but his family was able to glide in the wind, all he had to do was follow the wind.
While he was sleeping during the day, Shin Dong noticed something. This was the mistake he had been doing all his year in attempting to fly. He would ask bats who did not have their wing tips cut off. When he woke up form his slumber, he went to his grandmother for flying advice. She simply said, "Glide with the wind Shin Dong."
"Glide with the wind?... What the hedge is that supposed to mean" Shin Dong thought, and with that piece of advice he left his grandmother's cave. "Glide?... hmmm glide..." this thought kept repeating in Shin Dong's head. He was walking toward his cave, when a group of bat bandits came to bully him. He seemed to be their target, since he was the only bat incapable of flight. Their names were S.S.5.0.1.  Shin Dong screeched for help from his friends, but they were nowhere in sight. They flew around him, making fun of him. Shin Dong could not take it any more. He got his wings and attacked all the bats, until each of them were against a cave wall. He then took his grandmother's advice, and he was gliding like he had never done before. He realized it was the same as flying but he had to work with the wind.
He flew over to Nari's cave to tell her the good news. She was delighted to see him flying, but he simply said that he was gliding, not flying. With that said, they flew together into the night. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like your storyline. It presents an internal problem and an external problem. Really good job
