Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Appreciating parents

It is a topic debated more now than ever before - the appreciation of ones parents. It is important for an individual to gain respect and appreciation for their parents. They are the providers to the household. In fact, they sacrifice most of their time for the child. All hopes and dreams of their may have been haulted with the birth of a child. A child brings forth happiness, but it can be a burden throughout infancy. As the child develops, more knowledge is instilled. The child must realize how important the parent is, and not degrade them due to friends or what their peers comment. I find it insulting when a person feels embarrassed of their parents, if anything they are a greater disgrace than their parent. Sure sometime parents can hug and show affection to their child in public, but can one blame them. In their eyes, this child has grown so much before their eyes into adolescence and they are pleased an loving no matter what mistakes arise. In fact, parents will help you through those mistakes. I admire both my parents because they have sacrificed most of their life tend for me and my two siblings. They have been the providers of not only material need, but love and care. I loathe the fact that both my sibling can feel embarrassed at my parents at times. I find it rude to talk back simply because it is rude, there is no way around that. A parent sacrifices, love, care, and tends for the child so appreciation is a quality that every child should feel towards their parent.

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