An unexpected alliance has occurred recently. Who? Ah, well the Alaskans and the South Koreans teamed up against the evil Ocean People. For many years, the ocean belonged to no one. No one until the people from Atlantis were reborn. How? Ah, well the oil spills mutated the fish in the ocean, thus creating fish people. These people then labeled themselves after their descendants in Atlantis, thus becoming Atlantians.
Why are the Atlantians against the Alaskans and South Koreans?
Well, everyone else on earth was too scared to confront the people from Atlantis and their vicious rage against fish eaters. Their only solution was to fly to Mars, where new studies showed that life could exist. Unfortunately, the Alaskans and the South Korean were left behind, this left to battle the evil Atlantians.
The battle went on for years, but eventually the Atlantian people began to mate amongst the Alaskans and South Koreans. They found out that fishhuman and human can learn to get along in this planet, thus making Earth a fishhuman society. Everyone got along, and now diseases existed, since the Atlantian mutated blood remained strong.
What happened to the humans on Mars?
They thrived in a new human society, but global warming followed them there as well. The result: Everyone on Mars died.
How? All the cars, factories, and coal emission substances outnumbered the trees planted. This then led to a revolt by the trees, which were tired of consuming the waste the humans left behind. The trees destroyed all the coal releasing substances, and then went on a human killing spree. The humans were scared. They hid in craters, cave, and mountains. The trees kept killing. They could not stand to move on further. Their civilization was in ruins so they let themselves be killed. They trees took over and the planet of Mars thrived in greenery.
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