Saturday, November 27, 2010

Life without computers

Life without computers would make me a different person. I would be unaware of the world as it is today. I would read more. I would be unaware of Super Junior, SHINee, DBSK, SNSD, BoA, alot of things. I would not know much about international food, unless I watch it on television. Ah, but eventually the television would connect me to all of these. The Korean stars on Star King, the food channel coverign international foods. The history channel. My only gateway to the world would be school and the television. Everyone else would be more unaware of what's out there. I would have tired hands from typing so much. Hmmm, life would be less efficient. NO coputer would require a typewritier being used for projects. It sounds terrible. It would be simpler ot have everything t hand in one device. I would loahte a world without a computer, as it has affected who I am today.

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