Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Master Plan

How would one make the community a better place. Its impossible as it is. One need followers. I would encourage followers to help make a difference. Yes, it sounds like a dictatorship, but tis the only wya things could be done. This is why everyone is failing. They are hiring all the wrong people for endorsement. I shall spread tyhe word around. So much that the people will get frustrated, and forced. This is all part of the plan. A cleaner community must be manipulated. Kepp contact with those in power now. They keep control of money and they can give the people what they want. I know I will become corrupt along the way. I would got on a food splurge and come back just in time to fix the chaos. Yes, but it cannot be prevented. I must have that sundae. It is $1,000 but it is worth it. I'll pay the city back, but playing the role of a hero. As a hero, I'll get payed to endorse. Once I reached the $1,000 dollar mark I'll quit. I leave the job to a new official. My duty was done. Under me, the community was in a better condition, but not as well as it would be now. My apprenctice was one with a kind heart, a bearer of wisdom. He shall lead them to happiness. All I truly wanted was that sundae.

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