Saturday, November 27, 2010

I am... special & unique

Hmmm.... i am an individual who manages to strive forward. I found my flaws and have decided to work on them. The number one is impatience. It takes a person with a good heart to be patient. Time ticks, and its limited and as of now I know my goals. I am striving with an architecture course. It is the one glimpse of mine into the career of my choice. It is not easy, but I have met interesting people who want to study the same major. All different. Chinese is not as easy as people mock it to be. Its easier than Spanish and English, but adapting to it takes some time. I have a generous but secluded personality. I have trust issues, so i avoid speaking with individual who do not seem reliable. I am not good with names, my freshman knows this fact. A huggable person indeed but only to a few. Yes, I hold the mind of a child, yet I can play the role of an adult when necessary. Its great to laugh, as it lessens one's chances of getting sick.  Ah, food! I am a huge a fanatic of it. I only loathe the fact that my eyes can eat more than my stomach. I admire a Korean male group named Super Junior. All of them are outstanding individuals, who despite of facing struggles in life managed to move forward. They came back with a vengeance! Multi-talented singers with a variety of singing styles. Knowledgeable in many languages. Instrumentally gifted. Actors, MCs, Dancers! I look up to these individuals simply because they have come so far. I want to become a successful individual. One who does not forget about her past, and shall soon return with a comeback. Failure may come, or even be tempted to rise, but I shall move past it and move forward.

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