Saturday, November 27, 2010

A typicial day

In my life, I hardly get to see my face. I  only see through my eyes. Yes, many of us live like this. Only able to see through one's eyes. Now, on a typical day, I wake up look around and bundle up into the covers again. Ten more minutes of sleep does not harm me, it just adds energy. Strangely, my body know when ten minutes pass by, so I wake up. I turn to face the closet behind me and grab the nearest pants, shirt, sweater, etc. I get ready, but I feel cold. Yes, as I change I feel goosebumps on the surface of my skin. I loathe that feeling. It feels as though the cold wants to take over the warmth. The only battle that ends quick. I do not want the cold to take over. The clothes glide onto the surface of my skin as quickly as possible. Now I stumble into the bathroom to brush my teeth, use the restroom, and wash my face. After those tasks are completed, I brush my hair. It always is random, all depending on how much heat it had the previous night. Yes, the hair has a mind of its own, and it does not get split ends. After this, I usually put on eyeliner. Then I have this glitter thingy. I do not know what to call it, but only those that get close to my eyes see the shine. Not I yawn in front of the mirror. Yes, it is a common task. I am practically done, I just need to spray some perfume and that's it. Its been a habit since the days of my youth. Then, I race off to the closet to get two water bottles. Now I am off to school. The rest of my day varies, there is not typical day. I only have typical mornings.

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