Saturday, November 27, 2010


An other worldy visitor landed in my room. I was too scared to talk to it, but I had not choice. It was face to face with me. Strangely it looked like my puppy, Teddy. He could walk though.
"Awwwwwwww you're so cute!!!!!!!"

"What?!?! Cute! I am the commander of the spaceship armada. "

"Yeah.......why are you here?"

*clears throat* " We have come for one thing only, to ask a question"

"Which is........."

"AH, yes quite we shall get to that matter. Recently, we have noticed tha tthere is a heated debate in your world with a matter referred to as 'pollution'. What is that?"

"That's the reason you're here. -.-"

"Yes :3"

*sighs* "It is when ones planet becomes trashed or not cared for"

"Really?!?!? O.o''

"Yes... I am disappointed that I too take part in this, but as being part of the modernized humans I had no choice."

"I see... why don't you guys do something about it?"

"We're lazy... and some p[eople are trying but failing as well"

"What? You find this funny?"

"Yes, you humans are a contradicting species."

"I can not argue with you there"

We spent the remainder of the time talkin about the downsides of being human and outsider. It was a long convesation full of random thoughts. By the end, he returned to his planet with a gift.  A package of Oreos, he loved them. I had a stash in my room.

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