Saturday, November 27, 2010

Brother and Sister arguements... their effects.

Everyone has faced and arguement with a sibling, wheter it be a brother or a sister. Now if you're an only child, then you heard of arguements amongst sibling (at least). That being said, yes it is difficult for a family to bond with constant bickering amongst siblings. A perfect example is a friend with a younger brother and a younger sister. Both the brothers loathe the sister. The eldest has even taken the title of "sister" away from her. She is dead to him. His brother is the only sibling he truly is fond of. He acts as though he does not care, when in reality he care tremendously. It's more of a love-hate relationship. How has this affectedhis family? He and his brother have a theory about their sister. She might end up hitting her mother or father because she shows a lack of respect. It's annoying to them. They are a twisted family. Honestly, they are but they love each other. It's a battle of stubbornness amongst sibling. The parents try their best to simmer the problem. They try, but will never succeed.

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