Sunday, November 7, 2010

Promoting Good Habits (warning: the letters may be small)

As an individual with a full schedule on her plate, I have some "secrets" that keep me from falling into the deep gaping hole that is stress. For one thing, I am not only a high school student with a full schedule. In addition to this role, I have taken the challenge of two El Camino classes: Chinese 1 and Architecture 100. Quite a full plate as of now, but not full enough considering the fact that I am a senior and as one I have to deal face the ACT, the SAT, university applications, and the dreaded personal statements. How does an individual such as myself manage to get through life? Ah, the answer is quite simple and it includes: sleep, time management, and exercise.
Sleep is an important source for energy. Think of it as the charger to a cell phone. Without the battery, the cell phone dies. It is quite true, as sleep deprivation can eventually lead the death of it victim. How do I know? I have experienced it once. It happened to me during my 11th grade year. Most of my experience through my sleep deprivation is a blur, but I remember that my heart began to ache and my mind began to play tricks on me. Focusing in class was difficult, pay attention was rare for me, and the simple task of walking became a new work out. After going through this phase I began to appreciate sleep and it benefits. It is an "automatic" gift, but a necessary thing for a healthy human.
This year I have no time to fool around with electronic gadgets or devices. This sacrifice is beneficial since it goes towards my expansion of knowledge. In fact, the last time I saw television or played games on the Internet was two weekends ago, when I decided to indulge into the electronics. The reason why I decided to stop wasting my time on such useless items is simply because I can do something better in my time. For example, during a three-hour television session I could have finished assignments for all my classes. Productivity is beneficial to the individual! If you think about it, television and the Internet are there forever. Time, on the other hand, is precious and scarce. So why not use it to do something better with your life.
Of course, no schedule is considered "healthy" unless exercise is added into the picture. Why is exercise considered healthy? A health professional may give a complex answer to this basic question, but I, as a student, know that exercise helps alleviate my stress levels. Many individuals today now live hectic lives, since getting the work done "faster" and more "efficient" is demanded in our everyday lives. Not to mention, the fact that most individuals today get much heavier work tasks that require complex methods to solving them. Ah life, the everyday zoo. The only solution I find to my "zoo" is exercise. It does not have to be vigorous; in fact my routine is only 10 minutes that include jumping jacks, reverse arm lifts, lunge jumps, and the human bridge lift. In this 10-minute session I alleviate all the week’s stress, and sweat all the toxins that would have weakened my immune system.
Overall, there are many factors that make a healthy individual. That being said, the ones I consider the most important are a good night’s rest, a wise management of time, and a weekly exercise routine. All these incorporated into my life have managed to make a happy

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