Sunday, November 7, 2010

Causes and Problems of Teenage Smoking

What leads teenagers to such a disgusting habit? It is all based on the individual. No matter what era we are in, there will always be a small group of individuals that was meant to fail. These individuals are curious, misguided, traumatized, or just plain weird. All of them have an equal chance of getting lured by the cigarette. Once your body gets used to it, you must have some more. Teenagers are curious and tempted by the seductive allure of the cigarette. The cigarette is the symbol of rebellion, and teenagers long to be part of it. Its deathtrap lures them in faster if their friends are taking part in it. Little do they know its long term impacts, which include addiction, lung cancer, bed teeth, bad breath, and if the habit persists, death. The individual is a smoking zombie f and only if they fall for it. Some people even die on the first puff, since their body cannot handle the chemicals in the cigarette. How many die on their first try is unknown until the death of the individual. If the smoker becomes a parent, their child is bound to get second hand smoke. This weakens their child’s lings as well. It is not fair that a child’s life gets shortened because they have such addicted parents. In fact, smoking parents should drive outside of the house, at least 30-miles away, smoke, and when they go back home run straight to the bathroom and take a shower. Their children should not die any sooner just because they are bound to die. Overall, teenager should not smoke. Just quit it, because it will eventually lure you in its deathtrap.

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