Saturday, November 27, 2010

Super Junior......

In the life of my favorite performers would be a tour in the life of 15 Korean males. Its strange but each has their own personality and strength. All of them have been through hardship. Hangeng had a hard time performing in Korea due to his Chinese background. Donghae has lost his father, a caring individual. Ah, the car accident. A tragic event, where three were injured and one was scratched. Shin Dong was the only survivor with not many scars. Kyuhyun almost lost his life. His father who was disappointed in his singing career sacrificed part of his throat for his son. Yes his son had his voice damaged in the accident and he decided to help him continue his career. Such things only a father would sacrifice for their son, but he is truly grateful. All individuals who have been unhealthy or average at one point, now live healthy lifestyles. Some more so than others. As of now many are trying the role of actors, including Siwon, Kibum, Sungmin, Shin Dong, and Donghae. Musical stars include Yesung, Sungmin, and Kyuhyun. MCs and variety stars include Eunhyuk, Leeteuk, Shin Dong, Yesung, and Heechul. So many names! Oh and Kangin is in the army. In Korea it is mandatory that all males serve two years in the army, His time came at a time when he wanted to become a better person, one with better morals and the army was the only place where he could improve. This piece could have been longer than what it is now, but I decided to narrow down. Yes, all are individual who have been through a lot. Despite that, they have an optimistic perspective on life and that is why I admire them.

minus kibum, kangin, zhao mi, henry, and hangeng
(impossible to add other pictures with them present)

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