What has caused a specific food to person relationship? My guess is customs. As children we were raised to handle different tastes, flavors, and foods. What does this lead to? Ah, well non other than human preference over certain types of foods and flavors. As a child, the taste buds get accustomed to the flavors it is fed. For example, a child who is given sweets would either end up having a sweet tooth or would grow tired of sweets altogether. Why? We all have delicate palates, and too much a good thing can grow to hatred in the future. A prime example would be my relationship with carrots. Since my vision was not top-notch, my father bought carrots, baby carrots, and carrot juice. The use for them was meant for my consumption. I had to eat these carrot products for two years, and although my vision increased my love for carrots did not. I could not stand the taste any longer, so I left them in the fridge. Eventually, my father got the hint that I did not want to consume carrots so he stopped buying them. He replaced the carrots with spinach, and my love for spinach grew. Unlike carrots, spinach was more diverse for my palate. I was in spinach heaven, but my father stopped buying spinach because I was demanding too much of it. What does this have to do with the topic? Everything. Why? Since an individual is still growing, they develop certain like and dislike with their palate. The foods one is raised with will most likely lead to food choices later in life. This is why we have a variety of food options to choose today. Everyone is different, everyone’s palate can only handle certain flavors, everyone is growing, and everyone eats.
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