Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pride in one's work

Ah, the essence of pride is considered a sin. Too much and you have an individual who thinks highly of themself. Too little and a human with low self esteem is created. Knowing this, one must have a balance in pride to become successful. One's work is part of them. It haunts one, but it does not always have to be that way. An individual must realize that a little bit of pride is not bad. In fact, one must become the critic of their own work. Is it perfect? Is it truly a reflection of my thoughts? Is it me? All part of life. A person must learn how to accept criticism and fix their flaws. Ah, yes even as of now, this piece is not consistent. Nothing is truly perfect. This does not second guess the fact that one's work says alot. It may not be apparent if the human does not grow. All memories of one's subtext and context are reflected in one's work. Minus as well give it your all, instead of slacking off.

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