My ideal vacation would take place in Seoul , South Korea . The flight there would be in the business quarters with the soft chairs, and better food options. Ah, the flight of a true Britannian filled with luxury and comfort. While in Seoul , I would visit the local food eateries. There I would enjoy what the locals eat, from Korean barbeque to kimbap, a Korean version of sushi. Once full, I would go the hotel I decide to stay in, one with a modern yet comfortable feel. The television would be filled with the shows I longed to see including variety shows, music videos, and concert, all which took place in Korea . I would then bathe with the local soaps and shampoos, which all seem soft and bubbly in commercials. Once I’m done bathing, I would enjoy my remainder of my day by walking the streets, observing the Korean lifestyle: randomness in the streets. Eventually, I would run into a poster that advertises the Super Junior Super Show 4 Concert. My reaction would be one a typical fan girl – crazy. I would purchase the ticket and attend the concert. I do not mind staying in Korea for a couple of more days, since the atmosphere there is quite nice. On the day of the concert, I would be prepared with my glow stick, ready to cheer for my favorite Korean pop groups composed of 15 members. I would sleep late that night, but experience an event that only happens once in a lifetime. When I get back to the hotel, I would sleep in until the next day when I am scheduled to take a plane back to Los Angeles .
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